The Chick and the Duckling
Author: Vladimir Suteyev
The translation of world literature to Baluchi language is very limited. The translation of Children's story “The Chick and the Duckling” by Vladimir Suteyev, is an attempt by Karim Baluch to introduce popular stories originally in a foreign language to the Baluchi readers.
A duckling hatched out of its egg. “I am hatched!” it said.
A chick hatched out of its egg. “Me, too!” said the chick.
“I’m going for a walk,” said the duckling. “Me, too,” said the chick.
“I’m digging a hole,” said the duckling. “Me, too,” said the chick.
“I’ve found a worm,” said the duckling. “Me, too,” said the chick.
“I’ve caught a butterfly,” said the duckling. “Me, too,” said the chick.
“I want to swim,” said the duckling. “Me, too,” said the chick.
“Look, I’m swimming!” said the duckling.
“Me, too,” shouted the chick.
“Help!” cried the chick when it started to drown.
The duckling pulled the chick out of the pond.
“I’m going in again,” said the duckling. “Not me,” said the chick.