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      /  Language   /  The Importance of Mother Language

    The Importance of Mother Language

    Author: Andalib Gichki

    The author stresses on the need to educate a child in his/her mother language so that his creative skills are comprised.

    The difference between the humans and other animals is that the humans seek science and knowledge and read and learn and understand science. God has given this knowledge to them. God said, “I have given science and intellect to men and women, and other creatures do not benefit from science and knowledge, and I created human beings in different features so that they can be identified.”

    A human being should only be distinguished from other on the basis of their culture and language and the way of life. The mother tongue is an important means of expressing one’s emotions and thoughts.

    It is a universal truth that the early education of every child begins with the efforts of the mother and through her the child starts his/her journey of learning. As God says, I taught all the names to Adam, similarly, a mother builds the educational foundation of her child through her language.

    When the child grows a little older, he/she sees the world with his/her own eyes and tries to acquire knowledge and raise questions. The aim of the child’s life then becomes to seek answers to satisfy his/her curiosity. Subsequently, this child will grow into a person who would provide benefits not only to himself/herself but will also participate in the progress of the whole society with his/her innovative ideas and inventions and this way he/she also grooms his/her personality to become a better person.

    The Mothers’ efforts to raise awareness and answer children’s curiosity are not enough; they need to go to school for public education and learning, and they can learn and progress better if they have the right to education in their mother tongue.

    If the child first encounters a non-native language in school, he/she is mentally forced to devote all his/her energy in learning to name things in an unfamiliar language, that leaves no room for him/her to ask questions and be inquisitive. The child learns a new and unfamiliar language gradually, but is left without questions or becomes exhausted to seek answers to his/her queries, and it is unfortunate that the child is unable to answer questions because of learning a second language at such an early age. And on top of that the child is also expected to learn a third language, which is English as children in the province of Baluchistan in Pakistan are taught Urdu in schools up to the tenth grade and the language of universities is English. The child forgets his/her mother tongue to learn Urdu and English, and the mother tongue becomes worthless in society.

    People need their mother tongue to progress and express their feelings and thoughts, and every ethnic group needs to be fluent and educated in their mother tongue in order to know, be aware and progress better, to not lag behind other nations in the ever progressing world.

    Every human being should know his/her worth, and if someone does not value himself/herself, he/she will not be recognised by others as well. I am not against leaning other languages but do not devalue your mother tongue for learning other languages.

    The world values you as much as you value yourself, neither more nor less. Do not be proud to be fluent in English if you do notknow your mother-tongue well.

    Knowledge is obligatory for every human being, seek it and at the same time take pride in your mother language. I am proud to be well-versed in my mother language.